CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Cairns Vocational Course

CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CRICOS 108263B)

Qualification Description

This qualification reflects the role of workers in a range of early childhood education settings who work within the requirements of the Education and Care Services National Regulations and the National Quality Standard. They support the implementation of an approved learning framework, and support children’s wellbeing, learning and development. Depending on the setting, educators may work under direct supervision or autonomously.

Course Duration

  • This course is delivered over 40 tuition weeks + term breaks
  • Classes are rostered for 3 days per week + self-study component.
  • Overseas students are required to be enrolled in a full-time course to undertake study
    for VET courses, a full-time course is a minimum of 20 scheduled course contact hours per week.

Study Modes

  • VET courses are a “blended delivery” combining interactive/face-to-face classes, guided research, class group activities, theory research tutorial, project work and research, and independent learning with academic support resources available.
  • Academic support resources is available on the course scheduled days during school terms at CCEB.

One on one student support is available by appointment only.


A range of a assessments are employed for this training program and the type of assessment is dependent on the nature of the unit of competency.  Assessments include demonstrations, observations, projects, presentations, knowledge tests, reports and interviews


Course Content

The CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care comprises 17 units packaged as:
15 core units plus 2 elective units.
Students must successfully complete the following units:

Core Units

CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity
CHCECE031 Support children’s health, safety and wellbeing
CHCECE032 Nurture babies and toddlers
CHCECE033 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
CHCECE034 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice
CHCECE035 Support the holistic learning and development of children
CHCECE036 Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
CHCECE037 Support children to connect with the natural environment
CHCECE038 Observe children to inform practice
CHCECE054 Encourage understanding of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples’ cultures
CHCECE055 Meet legal and ethical obligations in children’s education and care
CHCECE056 Work effectively in children’s education and care
CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety

Elective Units
CHCECE039 Comply with family day care administration requirements
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice

Course Entry Requirements

  • Applicants are to be over the age of 18
  • Applicants should have reasonable computer skills including the ability to use and access to the internet
  • English Proficiency:
    IELTS 4.0-4.5
    completion of CCEB Intermediate level
    B1 Level of CEFR – Common European Framework
    In the 2 years before applying for the student visa, applicants completed, in Australia and in the English language, either the Senior Secondary Certificate of Education or a substantial component of a course leading to a qualification from the Australian Qualifications Framework at the Certificate IV or higher level, while applicants held a student visa

Vocational Placement Requirements

Completing placement is compulsory for this course.
Students are required to complete 160 hours of vocational placement to satisfy this component of your qualification.

Applicants will be made aware of the legal obligations CCEB is under to ensure that students can only be placed when they have successfully completed the Working with Children Check (Blue Card application). Any additional fees are at students own cost.

This will be processed and only once a satisfactory response is received will participants be allowed to commence their work placement.


Tuition Fee: $8,900
Materials Fee: $450
Enrolment Fee: $300

Term payment plans available.
Please familiarise yourself with CCEB’s Refund and Cancellation Policy.

Intake Dates


· 22 January (completed enrolments must be submitted by 8/12/23)
· 15 April (completed enrolments must be submitted by 15/03/24)
· 8 July (completed enrolments must be submitted by 7/06/24)
· 30 September (completed enrolments must be submitted by 30/08/24)


· 28 January (completed enrolments must be submitted by 6/12/24)
· 22 April (completed enrolments must be submitted by 22/03/25)
· 14 July (completed enrolments must be submitted by 13/06/25)
· 7 October (completed enrolments must be submitted by 6/09/25)

VET CALENDAR (2022-2025)

Career Opportunities

  • Childcare Worker
  • Childcare Assistant
  • Family Day Care Provider
  • Childcare Educator

Further Studies

On completion of CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, students may pursue the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care at CCEB or other CRICOS registered training organisations.


All information was accurate at time of publication, however CCEB policies, tuition fees and course content are subject to change without notice. Timetable information is subject to change prior to commencement and/or during the duration of your course.

“Most of my friends recommended CCEB to me. Not only the location of the school is convenience, but also the English learning atmosphere is good. The teachers are very friendly. Moreover the 2 Year package of Childhood Education and Care is curriculum is reasonable and tuition is affordable to me. I enjoy the practice course the best. My teacher Caroline taught us a lot of practical skills. Those were useful for my vocational training at the Childcare center. I expect that I can learn more useful practice that can help me working in childcare center better. i am from Shanghai, China. I have a Bachelor degree in Shanghai. When I was in China, I was working in tourism industry I have learnt a lot of Australia through my work, especially the tourist city of Cairns. That started my trip in Australia when I applied the working holiday visa. I have already gotten a casual job as a Assistant Educator in Armadillo Childcare Center which was my workpalce in the first place. I enjoy visiting cafes, hang out with friends, driving to Port Douglas or Palm Cove on my free time. I enjoy my leisurely life so much. I like walking on the beach or Esplanade Lagoon after dinner. Last week, I went to Tolga sunflower farm in Mareeba and experiene the beautiful sunflowers! Cairns has so many beautiful places to visit.”

QuinnCertificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care & Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

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